The Importance Ethical Hacking | Penetration Testing | Finding Security Loopholes

For educational purpose only!

Disclaimer: This guide is provided "as is" with no warranties with regard to the accuracy and completeness of the information provided herein. I am not responsible for any bad outcomes you or anyone may have because you followed this guide.

Image by Jae Rue from Pixabay

What Is Ethical Hacking?

Hackers can bypass security, gain illegal access to perform malicious activities. It is illegal.

Ethical hacking is a legal variations of hacking. Companies can hire them to find security weakness in their systems before it falls into the wrong hands.

Types Of Hackers

  • White hat hackers
    • This is the ethical hackers.
  • Grey hat hackers
  • Black hat hackers
  • Suicide hackers

Types of Ethical Hacking

  • Network hacking
  • Database hacking
  • Website hacking
  • Computer and mobile hacking
  • Email hacking

The Importance Of Ethical Hacking

The main purpose of ethical hacking is to help companies to find the loopholes and weakness in their networks and software security so they can act on it, develop counter measures to fix those weaknesses, or any anomalies before it is detrimental to the company’s success.

Skills Required To Become Ethical Hackers

  1. Very good programming skills (C/C++, Java, C#, PHP, Python, JavaScript, Assembly)
  2. Very good SQL skills (MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle DB)
  3. Very good networking skills
  4. Basic linux command skills

A good hacker is very good at computer programming. He knows how to use the internet and search engines effectively. He knows many hacking tools.

Ethical Hacking Tools

There are many hacking tools out there. What tools to use depends on what type of ethical hacking you're going to perform. For example, if you target Android mobile applications then you're going to need Microsoft Visual Studio Code, ILSpy and Reflector for Unity games, NKStool, packet sniffer and C/C++ decompiler for those Android apps with C/C++ codes.

Android is my specialty and I can hack some apps for good sake. It's not easy, but doable.


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